EAC-SADC: call to respect the ceasefire in Kivu

The chiefs of staff of the two blocs met in Tanzania, ahead of the council of ministers. They called on all actors in the conflict raging in eastern DRC to stop all advances and respect the ceasefire announced by the EAC-SADC summit.
General Mubarakh Muganga, Chief of General Staff of RDF, participated in this meeting convened on the instructions of the Heads of State of the two sub-regions.
These chiefs of staff discussed the technical orientations which would guide the actions of the two regional blocs to deal with the current security situation in the East of the DRC.

They will have to submit a technical dossier to the ministerial session scheduled in Dar es Salaam on February 28, 2025. The ministers of the two blocs, EAC-SADC, will have to discuss the details of the ceasefire.
Preparatory meetings of the Chiefs of Defence Forces of the EAC member states were held in Nairobi on 21 February 2025 to discuss the current security situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The SADC Chiefs of Defence Forces meeting on the same subject was also held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. These meetings follow a directive from the Joint Summit of the EAC and SADC Heads of State, held on 8 February 2025 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Prior to the Chiefs of Staff meeting, the EAC Defence Experts Working Group held two days of discussions on the situation in eastern DRC.

The meeting was guided by six key directives: ceasefire and cessation of hostilities; provision of humanitarian assistance; opening of key supply routes; development of a security plan for Goma and surrounding areas; immediate reopening of Goma airport; and advice on other facilitating interventions.